Newsletter 1 January 2007

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Happy New Ear! Get ready for '07 with a highlight of VMK events from 2006 - and we remix a VMK favorite, the Castle Fireworks game!

3 January 2007 SPECIAL EDITION– Announcing the Monorail Music Mixer and a new Land! Plus VMK game highlights from 2006 - and we remix a VMK favorite, the Castle Fireworks game!

Yavn Speaks! Yavn Speaks!


Yavn Speaks Special Edition!

Has everyone recovered from the holidays? Did your team win the big bowl game? I know, we usually update you on Monday, but I thought I'd take a second and give you a mini-update to help get you back in the swing of school/work/life/VMK. To get the ball rolling we have an all new New Year's Quest! Don't worry - you don't need to catch any ghosts, sink any ships, or put on a fireworks show - the new Quest is a question-filled quiz all about VMK's last 12 months.


20 correct answers and you're the proud owner of this brand new 2007 Pin!

What? Not enough for you? Then how about the first ever screen of the new Monorail Music Mixer? Main Street is no longer the only place to create the ultimate music jam, now you can hop the Monorail and create a cool mix with all new sounds. The Monorail will still take you around the Kingdom, but why not dance while you ride? The Music Mixer works the same way as the one on Main Street but the sounds are completely different, also note that you can't mix your mixes together (say that 10 times fast), since the mixers are totally separate.


Bust a move with the Monorail Music Mixer!

This Land is your Land

You've probably heard about the new Land coming to VMK by now and like you, I'm excited about the new addition. But before the Welcome Wagon gets here, let me set up this ribbon cutting - the new Land, while very cool and a welcome addition, will be our smallest Land yet.

Now hold on a sec (I hear a collective sigh over the internet), let me explain - before I do, remember in VMK, everything is not always what is seems (for instance, just because the map looks small does not mean the Land is small). In fact, our new Ticketing System was in part designed for a specific location that won't even be on the new land map. ;-) We create locations exclusively for the purpose of enhancing the existing game - as I've said before, we don't want to add rooms just for the sake of adding rooms. So once you've gotten in there and played around, it will make more sense. (Even the new Land's NPC does something totally new - just say the magic "code" word and you might see some magic...)


Who is this guy - and why is he in my column?

Finally, as we head into 2007, we feel we've made some pretty significant enhancements to the game - VMK Pass, Tickets, Fireworks Remix, Monorail Music Mixer and the new Land - we hope you agree and like all the cool updates we're doing. But hey! That's just the in-game stuff! I can't wait to show you our next Park Quest as well as roll out the revised Park Reward Plan! Until then, enjoy the holiday decorations, they won't be around much longer... And a quick question for you before I go - anybody up for an Epcot Guest Room?


Happy New Ear!

Hope you are had a wonderful holiday season, I have quick update to get your 2007 rolling but first let's look back on some VMK highlights for last year!

VMK 2006 - Year In Review

January - Monsters Door Game Launched

February - This was Everest Month and also the month that hosted our first ever Ride-A-Thon, and the launch of Everest Track pieces.

April - The Narnia Celebration! VMK gave you a chance to win exclusive Narnia Items from the Narnia DVD site.

May - Baseball came to VMK!

June - An updated Pirates Of The Caribbean game launched.

July - Waterslides! And a new Waterslide Puzzle games based on the Walt Disney World Water Parks were released.

September - This month the video game legend Tron entered the Virtual Magic Kingdom.

October - Halloween came to VMK, and so did Single Use Items.

November - VMK's Holiday Celebration and the debut of the Space Mountain Track pieces.

That's a short list of the cool things that happened in VMK in 2006. Wow. We have grown and changed a lot over the last 12 months (don't forget we also defeated the horrible Disconnect Monster!). I know each of you have your own memories and things you liked best about 2006 too! For 2007, we here at VMK Central are committed to continued growth and improvement of community.

As I've mentioned before we have exciting changes in store for you for early January and beyond! Speaking of changes, introducing...

CASTLE FIREWORKS remixed (1 January version)

We've put a new spin on one of your most favorite games - and I know you want to know more about our remix of Fireworks?





Bonus Combo

Explode the same shapes in the correct order to earn extra points.


Now go for a Flawless Bonus!

Flawless Bonus

Every time you get a Flawless your Flawless Bonus goes up and you get more points.

Real Time Scoring

During gameplay, this shows you score and that of your closest competitors. For example, if yavn has 500 points but sparky, sillysyl and caffdawg have close to 100 points, it will only show sparky's and sillysyl's score to caffdawg because they are the closest competitor caffdawg needs to beat.


During breaks between rounds you'll also be able to see the Top 3 Players and their current avatar.

Next Firework

Shows the next 3 shape fireworks that are due up. (shown in the 'Coming In Box')

Fireworks Left

Number of fireworks left to explode before the round ends.

Explode All

Hit this button to explode everything on the screen. You need to have the correct firework selected in order for this to work and once you use it you will have to wait a bit for it to recharge.


Lock & Unlock

You now have a new way to move your selection cursor. Unlocked is the traditional movement method, with the firework shapes locked in place and the cursor moves over them. Locked keeps the cursor locked in the center and the shapes moves left and right (try this play technique and you'll see what we mean).

Randomized Fireworks

No more repetitive patterns, now the patterns are now totally random so you never know what's next (aside from looking at the next firework 'Coming In Box').

Revised Scoring & Prizes

We're still tuning this, so I don't want to give you too many details yet, but the credits you win will be based on how many fireworks you explode as well as the correct timing of exploding them.

For more info on Castle Fireworks remixed check out the FAQ.


We've been testing Castle Fireworks remixed and are really excited! The music and backgrounds have not changed, but we hope to switch them out over the next few months.

CASTLE FIREWORKS remixed (3 January version)


We've put a new spin on one of your most favorite games - I know you want to learn more about our remix of Fireworks!


The screen above shows some off the brand new interface and game features.

The remixed version of Castle Fireworks has many cool new additions, let's take a look at them!


Bonus Combo

Explode the same shapes in the correct order to earn extra points.


Now go for a Flawless Bonus!

Real Time Scoring

During gameplay, this shows you score and that of your closest competitors. For example, if yavn has 500 points but sparky, sillysyl and caffdawg have close to 100 points, it will only show sparky's and sillysyl's score to caffdawg because they are the closest competitor caffdawg needs to beat.


During breaks between rounds you'll also be able to see the Top 3 Players and their current avatar.

Flawless Bonus

Every time you get a Flawless your Flawless Bonus goes up and you get more points.


Fireworks Left

Number of fireworks left to explode before the round ends.

Coming In

Shows the next fireworks due up in the show.


Explode All

Hit this button to explode everything on the screen. You need to have the correct firework selected in order for this to work and once you use it you will have to wait a bit for it to recharge.


Lock & Unlock

You now have a new way to move your selection cursor. Unlocked is the traditional movement method, with the firework shapes locked in place and the cursor moves over them. Locked keeps the cursor locked in the center and the shapes moves left and right (try this play technique and you'll see what we mean).


Randomized Fireworks

No more repetitive patterns, now the patterns are now totally random so you never know what's next (aside from looking at the next firework 'Coming In' box).

Revised Scoring & Prizes

We're still tuning this, so I don't want to give you too many details yet, but the credits you win will be based on how many fireworks you explode as well as the correct timing of exploding them.

For more info on 'Fireworks remixed' check out the FAQ.

We've been testing Fireworks Remix and are really excited! The music and backgrounds have not changed, but we hope to switch them out over the next few months.


Over the last few weeks we've discussed lots of changes to VMK, VMK Pass, Tickets and Castle Fireworks remixed. So what else can I tell you about that will get you excited? Well, be sure to check back next week when I'll have sneak peek screens of what's on the way in the coming months. Plus! Monorail Music Mixer!

Hey, my New Year is off to a great start, I've just beat Caffdawg & Sparky for the 3rd game in a row of remixed... Now back to the testing!

See you in the game,


Event Info Event Info

2006 has been a great year - so help us celebrate in VMK!




Celebrate 2007 with a new hat that commemorates the party! All New Years day!


It's the holiday, so why are you reading this Newsletter instead of playing with your new toys? I'll tell you why - because you want to know about the new VMK Ticketing System! The system may sound a little complicated, but bear with me and I'll do my best to explain it!

YavnSpks-2006-12-25-tix roominfo.jpg

The basic concept of Tickets is that players will be able to close their Room(s) and require Tickets to enter them. A Ticket can be purchased for 10 Credits and can be traded to other players.

Starting in early January two new options will be added to the Room Information Button (that's the icon that has an i on it). The first is the 'People With Tickets' box, the second is the 'Create Tickets' box.

Room Options

Once you decide who to let into your Guest Room you can now have the following options:

  • Allow Everyone: This option allows all players into your Room.
  • Only Allow Friends To Enter: This option only allows players that are on your Friends List to enter your Room.
  • People With Tickets: Only players that have an unused Ticket to enter your Room can enter.
  • Only Allow Friends To Enter & People With Tickets: This option only allows friends to enter & people with Tickets - Players that are on your Friends List and players that have an unused Ticket can enter the Room.

Creating Tickets


When you click on the 'Create Tickets' button you will be given 4 options of when the Ticket will expire if not used (1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 30 days) you'll also have a counter that will help you decide how many tickets you would like to buy. (Should we add this feature to all shops?... It sure would make it easier to buy lots of tracks.)

The Fine Print

YavnSpks-2006-12-25-tix pinmenu.jpg

Tickets work as Single Use Magic Pins and once created are found in the Pin menu.

- Tickets can only be used once.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are kicked out of a room that requires a Ticket you can not re-enter!! We are looking ways to solve this but for now be aware that as a Room Owner you must be very careful when kicking a player out.

Likewise players that abuse this ticketing privilege will be banned.

- Tickets work for all rooms that require tickets from the same owner (you can not create a ticket for a specific room, the ticket works for any and all rooms with the "People With Tickets" box checked.

- Tickets not used by the expiration date will disappear from your inventory.

- Tickets can be traded. And traded, and traded... so just be aware that the person you trade with may re-trade the ticket.

- Rooms that require a ticket will have an icon on the Room Navigator to show the Ticket required for entry.


Aside from the Tickets there is another benefit, you can now lock a room from everyone without having to clear you friend list. How do you do that? Just click the 'People With Tickets' box but don't create any Tickets. Any Room that has both 'Only Allow Friends To Enter & People With Tickets' will allow people on your Friend List to come and go, but non-Friends will need a Ticket to enter. Rooms that require Tickets will now have a Ticket icon on the Navigator. Of course even VMK will have a special place that will be a 'Tickets Only' for special events.

Check the Community Calendar for more details and event times.

Jake's Blog

Same as 11 December

Tips Tips

Tips, Tricks Hints and How To's

New to VMK?

Being the new kid on the block can be scary, but at VMK we want to make your experience as fun and friendly as possible. If you're having trouble finding your way around the Kingdom, check out the sections at the bottom of this or any of the VMK webpages. The What is VMK? Why Play VMK? Is it Safe? and Need Help? sections are there to help you, answer your questions and learn more about the VMK community.

If you're a player that's been around for a while, we encourage you to help out new players - remember, you were also once new to the neighborhood.

Make your Magic more powerful!

It's easy to increase your Magic Star Power. If you have two of the same Magic Pin, in the Pin Inventory window select one of the Magic Pins, then select 'Combine' and select another Magic Pin. Now the Pins are joined and now you have one Magic Pin with 2 or more Stars. You may notice that if you do have multiple Star Magic Pins the Magic Spell may last longer or the time it takes to recharge the Magic will be shorter.

Can't remember your password?

Go to the Login Screen and click on "Forgot your Password?" Enter your username, last name, and birthday (this is to verify it's really you!) and your Password will be emailed to you shortly. Hey, that was pretty easy! ;-)

Dear Yeti Dear Yeti


You've Got Questions, Yeti Has Answers

What Christmas songs are sung in 'it's a small world holiday' at Disneyland?


Dear PirateJack,

I know it's cold where I am, but doesn't this wintry weather shiver your timbers! Har! That's a good one... Anyway, the Yeti has just gotten back from visiting 'it's a small world holiday' and was singing right along to all the holiday tunes...

Now, let me see if I can remember them all... The regular theme song is still in the holiday soundtrack but 'Jingle Bells' has been mixed in too. Plus, when you float past the mermaids listen carefully, they'll be singing 'Jingle Shells!' Oh those girls are clever - you can also hear 'Feliz Navidad' too! The ride ends with a few rousing bars of 'Deck the Halls' and the Yeti with visions of sugar plumbs dancing in my head! Have a great holiday!

Do you have a question for me?

Send it to me through the Contact Us section at the bottom of this page. Be sure to have your VMK registration info with you (the email and information you registered with) and select "Dear Yeti" from the drop down menu. Each week I'll answer a question or two here in the Newsletter.

Push's Trash Trivia Push's Trash Trivia


Which Disney Theme Park does not have a Tomorrowland?

Disneyland, California; Walt Disney World; Disneyland, Paris; Hong Kong Disneyland; or Tokyo Disneyland?

Know the answer?

Send your answer using Contact Us at the bottom of this or the main VMK webpage. Be sure to have your VMK registration info with you and select Push's Trash Trivia from the drop down menu. Out of all the correct answers, three players will be randomly drawn as the winners and sent a cool prize. But hurry! Only entries submitted by the close of game on Friday will be accepted.

Here's the answer to last weeks Trash Trivia question:

Q: What's the optical illusion called that causes the Haunted Mansion busts to watch you as you walk by them?

A: The effect, called Negative Bust Illusion is in fact, patented by the Walt Disney Company.


Jim Evers (Eddie Murphy) and son meet the famous singing bust in The Haunted Mansion movie.

Did you know: This illusion is a simple effect that tricks your mind into thinking it's seeing movement. Look closely at the bust and you'll notice they are actually reversed or sunk into the wall. At the original Haunted Mansion in Disneyland this effect can be seen in the hallway as you prepare to board the Doom Buggies.

The organ in the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland is from the movie 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. The red couch from the film version of The Haunted Mansion starring Eddie Murphy, is also from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

Congratulations to the 3 lucky (and randomly picked) players that sent in the correct answer for last week's question!


Your prize is on its way!

Top Players Top Players

What makes a Guest Room award-worthy?

Guest or Game Rooms that stand out show originality in concept and design. It could be a use of conventional furniture in unconventional ways, the use of a theme or color, or humor. Game rooms that get the nod offer a new game idea or a new twist on an old favorite. In all rooms we look for room owners who welcome everyone with a smile and show a willingness to answer questions about their room.

Check out this week's Best Guest Rooms and Best Game Rooms.

Best Guest Rooms

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Red, Green, and Gold are the Colors of Christmas and scooterjake has made a cozy and colorful room to celebrate them. Have a seat by the roaring fire and share holiday stories and Christmas cheer.
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Come to the Aztec Theater: Holiday Story where SuiteAlex and his friends tell you all about the true meaning of Christmas and you can learn what Holiday Spirit really means. Share in the joy and magic of the season.

Best Game Rooms

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Join BlueSorcerer in the Santa Sleigh Slush! In this game you'll have to race across ice and presents in the freezing cold of the North Pole and jump onto Santa's sleigh before he and his reindeer take off into the night. Who will be the first to jump aboard Santa's sleigh?

Best Player Quests

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Oh no! All of the toys have gone missing! Help sockerboy with his Save Christmas Quest!! Find all of the toys in time for Christmas and you'll win a great prize.

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Do you know your Holiday songs? CL_Pologuy has a Christmas Sing Along Quest to test you singing skills. Complete the next line of the song and you'll move right along this fun and fancy free quest!

Players who have been previously recognized for their design talents will receive the VIP award.

VMK Cards VMK Cards

Have you ever wondered what cards you are missing in your collection. Well there is now a great new way to discover all the cards for VMK. Check it out!

Scam Alert Scam Alert

Private Messages

Is there something unusual in your personal messages folder? It could be a chain letter. If it appears to be a chain letter, or anything else you don't think is allowed by VMK – report it! We want to keep VMK as safe and fun as possible. So any time you see something that just doesn't seem right – let a VMK staff member know. Help us keep VMK great!

Safety Corner Safety Corner

Room names that could get you banned

Naming your room something inappropriate to get Staff to enter your room is a no-no! Remember, VMK Staff are here to help players that need help. Room names (like anything in VMK) are subject to the same guidelines and values that VMK sets for the community. Please consider this when creating your room names!

Quests Quests

In-Park Quests! Going to Disneyland® Park or Magic Kingdom® Park? Play the in-Park Quests! Learn more here.

High School Musical Quest! Watch the movie, visit the Parks and answer all the questions to win cool stuff!

Get the Thrill Seekers Quest for the Walt Disney World® Resort here!

The Tomorrowland Quest is still available: Download it here.

Contact Us Tips Contact Us Tips

Problems? Contact Us!

When you use Contact Us to ask a question or report an issue, please be aware of the following:

If you use AOL or EarthLink for e-mail, you won't receive our response, as AOL e-mail filters block our replies. Please provide an alternative e-mail in the Contact Us form where it asks for your e-mail address.

Some Spam Filters will automatically block e-mail from an unknown source unless you tell the program to allow it: To get email from VMK, allow mail from [email protected]. (Please note this email address does not receive e-mail except via the Contact Us form.)